Manage Airbnb properties – cash in on the Sharing Economy

We manage multiple Airbnb properties – some we own and some we don’t – and live off the income. Welcome to our Airbnb Host Hub, where we share our best tips and hacks so you can win your financial freedom with Airbnb. Like we did!

What does Airbnb mean?

Airbnb is a travel accommodation booking platform and app that regular people like you and I can use to rent out properties on the short term accommodation market – giving us the ability to host a whole globe of business guests, tourists, and other travellers.

Airbnb uses your investment property asset and leverages software on the internet to open up new money making opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs.

Once upon a time, the only option for property investors to derive rental income from their residential real estate assets was through the traditional rental market. The only option for travellers was to stay in hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, and serviced apartments.

Then three regular American blokes called Brian, Joe and Nathan developed some software code that allowed them to rent out multiple air beds on their apartment floor in San Francisco to random people on the internet. They called it ‘Airbnb’: (‘Air’ for air mattress and ‘bnb’ for bed and breakfast). 🙂 So Airbnb’ is just a reference to the first type of accommodation you could book on the Airbnb booking platform, when the company was first founded.

Building websites and dabbling in DeFi is not the only way to build wealth in the digital era. You can do it via third party apps that support the “Sharing Economy” like Airbnb. It can even be passive over time!

If you want to know more about why we chose Airbnb as a financial freedom strategy, jump to the Contents section below before you read our blog articles!

To dive right in, check out our blog articles on How to make Money with Airbnb.

Airbnb Host Hub

Host Hub – Contents

How to make money with Airbnb

Learning about how to make money on Airbnb with zero property, and how to supercharge the cashflow from our own property investments using Airbnb has LITERALLY CHANGED OUR LIVES!

That was an emphasis caps, not a yelling caps… 🙂

So, here we go folks. Let’s launch in to our Airbnb money making ventures so you can find out how to make awesome Airbnb profit whether you own an investment property or not.

Why host Airbnb?

If you’re a data nerd or risk averse, you might be wondering whether Airbnb hosting is the right financial freedom or investing strategy with the pandemic. Well, our Airbnbs have been crushing it so far in 2021 and into 2022.

And if that’s not enough, just check out the forecasts for the rest of 2021 and into 2022 – straight from the experts that have all the data on Airbnb bookings and short term rentals. Here’s a snapshot from the US; bookings are above levels experienced before the pandemic and on an upward trend.

How to become an Airbnb host (for property owners)

Our Airbnb Host Hub blog articles are designed to help you on your way to becoming a successful Airbnb host. Some of the articles are for property owners and some are about hosting on Airbnb without your own property.

We don’t repeat other information that’s online already – we try to add value and insights to what you can already find elsewhere.

Get our free Airbnb credit for your first listing!

If you want to become an Airbnb SuperHost like we did, here’s a link to sign up as host and list your first property. The link will give you free credit for an Airbnb experience and also supports our blog! Many thanks dear readers 🙂

The good news for Airbnb hosts is that an ecosystem of apps and internet platforms has sprung up around Airbnb. This ecosystem supports hosts to automate the process and make some killer passive income. We manage our Airbnb’s remotely (from half way across Oz) on just a few hours a week. Stay tuned to our Host Hub to learn exactly how Airbnb can be a very passive income earning strategy with the help of Apps and other linking platforms.

How to manage Airbnb properties (for others)

If you want to get to Airbnb profit fast but don’t own any property, start here!

We’ve used strategies to make money on Airbnb with no property and we know they work! This is a very different strategy to being an Airbnb owner, so you’re 100 percent best-off learning from the experts like we did.

We used this Airbnb strategy to pick up 3 Airbnb properties within a 3 month period in 2020.

The first property we picked up led to a cool $6400 per month PROFIT in peak season. With average profit of between $2000 and $3000 per month. That’s profit peeps – not gross income!

Here’s the property all set up for guests and running like a well oiled machine – all because of the training we did.

How we made money on Airbnb with other people’s property:

Our first property using the Airbnb Profit with no property strategy

Once we’d set up the first pad, it was all pretty straight forward from there. Within 3 months we had two more, each making between $1000 and $2000 PROFIT per month on average. So within 3 months of learning this business model and strategy, we had an income stream of over $10,000 per month in peak and $4000 – $5000 per month on average just from these three properties!

None of this is out of reach folks. All legit. We did it, and we were just two average Jo’s looking for a side hustle to make us financially free… We did the training, learned the ropes and the business model, then just followed what we learned Step-by-Step. If we can do it, you can too!

So do yourself a favour, invest in yourselfregister for this Airbnb training and learn about how to make money on Airbnb. Then go and make it!

We learned the strategy, we applied the steps, we know it works, and we’ve seen how it changed our lives.

If you love the resources that we’ve made available here and decide to launch your own Airbnb empire, then start listing on Airbnb with this link. It helps us keep providing new financial freedom content each week!

How to succeed on Airbnb

The first thing to know about Airbnb profit is that you need to learn how to do it well, before you begin.

The reason learning first is so important? Because making money on Airbnb is all about peer review and the listing algorithm. If you can’t master these from the start, the money making bit will be a lot harder. A lot of Airbnb hosts quit at the start because they fail to learn about these two critical things. But DON”T WORRY – we’ve got you covered.

Professional hosting course

There’s a formula to follow that will make Airbnb hosting super straightforward if you’re just starting out and help you scale quickly to a multi-property Airbnb empire. And it’s all available online!

Follow this formula and the bookings will come – which we all know means so will the money!

That formula? It’s called the BNB Formula.

It’s the best investment you could make in yourself if you want to escape the rat race and live off Airbnb income like we do. You don’t even need your own investment property!

We invested in ourselves and learned how to make money on Airbnb before we started. Without a doubt this has been the secret to our success. We didn’t just jump in the deep end and expect the moolah to start rolling in – that’s just not the way I do things.

Learning about Airbnb business models and how to run an Airbnb business from A to Z has been one of the best investments we’ve ever made. The training has paid off its cost more than a hundred times over. No joke.

Getting an Airbnb education allowed me to quit my 9 to 5 job and spend time doing the things I’m passionate about – which is this blog dear readers!

Our ebook series: Making money on Airbnb

If you don’t want to go all in on a professional training course, our upcoming eBook series may be your best next step.

Our eBooks will share all of our personal and practical hacks and step-by-steps to make great money on Airbnb. We’re talking detailed info, case studies and our personal resources you won’t find elsewhere on the internet. We’re going to cover how to:

  1. Invest successfully in Airbnb properties
  2. Start an Airbnb business (not just a property listing)
  3. Make money on Airbnb without owning any property
  4. Manage multiple Airbnbs remotely with automation
  5. Manage Airbnb risks (like pandemics!)
  6. Sell your Airbnb property for a premium

Stay tuned!

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